He said, "Then indeed, you (are) of those given respite,
Answered He: “Verily, so [be it:] thou shalt be among those who are granted respit
He said: Lo! thou art of those reprieve
(Allah) said: "Respite then is granted thee
Allah said, “You will be delayed
[God] said, "You are reprieved
so He said, You are granted respit
He said: Surely you are of the respited ones
He said: Truly, thou art among the ones who are given respite
He said: "You are one of those who may wait
(Allah) said: “Surely! You are of those allowed respite
He said, “Then verily thou art among those granted respit
He responded, “You are allowed to remain.
He said, 'You are one of those deferred
(Allah) said: “Then surely you are of those who are given respite —
Allah said: "Well, you are given respit
Said He, "So, surely you are of the respited
The Lord said, "You will only be given a respit
He said, .Then, you have been given respite
Answered He, "Verily so, you shall be among those who are given respite. (15:36-38)
(Allah) said, "You are (hereby) being granted the respite."
(Allah) said: "Surely, then time is given to you—
[ Allah ] said, "So indeed, you are of those reprieve
He said: "You are respited."
so He said, ‘You have respit
Allah said: verily, thou art of those respited
(God) said: "You have the respit
He said, ´You are among the reprieved
(God) said: "You are of the ones granted respit
Said He, ‘You are indeed among the reprieve
He said, "Surely you are of the reprieved ones
He (God) said: “Indeed you are of those given a delay,
God said, “Respite is granted you
Allah said, “You have it
He said: "You are of those who have been granted respit
He said: "You are respited.
Allah Ta'ala said, "So shall you indeed be among those given respite"
Allah said, 'certainly, you are of those that are granted respite'.
He said, "You are respited.
He (Allah) said: 'You are among those that are respite
He said: Surely thou art of the respited ones
He said: "So that you are from the given time/delayed ."
The Lord said: “You will get a relief…
Said Allah, “You are therefore among those given respite.”
God said, `Certainly, thou art of the respited ones
Allah said: ‘(Be off;) you are surely of those who are granted respite
(God) said, `You are of course of the reprieved one
(Allah) said: "Verily! You are of those allowed respit
Said He, 'Thou art among the ones that are respite
God said, verily thou shalt be one of those who are respite
Said He, 'Then thou art amongst the respite
He said, "One then of the respited shalt thou be
He said: ‘Reprieved you shall b
He said, “So you indeed are among those who are given the respite
(The Lord) said: “Surely, you are of those who are given respite
He said: then you are given time.
(Allah) said, “Then indeed you are among those given respite…
He said, “Then indeed, You are of those reprieved
He said: "You are one of those who may wait
He said, “So, you are among the respite ones.”
Said He: 'You are one of those granted respite
(Allah) said, “Indeed, you are of those reprieved!”
(Allah) said: Verily you are of the respited ones.
"You are granted", said Allah, "like those with characteristics befitting you a delay of punishment"
He said, “You are of those who are given time,
He said, 'Then indeed, you are of those given respite,
(God) said: "Respite then is granted thee
He said, "Then indeed, you (are) of those given respite
Qala fa-innaka mina almunthareena
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